Siouxland Public Media informs the public by revealing the issues impacting the complexities of life in the tri-state area of Siouxland (Iowa, Nebraska, South Dakota).
Siouxland Public Media is a small NPR affiliate station run independently from a state network. The staff consists of four full-time employees, including two journalists who also serve as on-air hosts. Volunteers assist with content and podcasts.
2022 brought a vast amount of coverage on social issues, diversity, politics, education, and local entertainment/arts.
* Social media video elements can be found at the bottom of the audio entry log.
:00 – MARCH OF SOLIDARITY: Support for MMIW Awareness in downtown Sioux City.
1:08 – COLD CASE: Investigative report on the murder of Omaha Tribal Member Terri McCauley.
3:53 – MMIW AWARENESS: Excerpt from public affairs show The Exchange. The program featured live insight from local advocates and pre-recorded interviews with regional experts and a retired FBI agent who says more should be done to help.
5:52 – CONFRONTING CONTROVERY: A young member of the Winnebago Tribe of Nebraska fights same-sex marriage ban and creates change.
6:55 – MARCH FOR OUR LIVES: SPM High School Intern Carolyn Lien explores the epidemic of school shootings and interviews a classmate taking action to bring awareness and action.
8:18 - Coverage of March for our Lives event organized by young gun violence prevention advocates.
8:43 - Sioux City Bandits Arena Football Team punts plan to raffle off an assault rifle during a game after pressure from a top sponsor. Full newscast can be found here.
9:09 - SPEAKING OUT: Superintendent of the Sioux City Community School District promotes prevention and safety after a deadly school shooting in Texas.

9:24 - BEYOND THE BELL: After school program puts Sioux City parents in a pinch due to staff shortages and computer glitches.
10:08 - COVID-19 REMEMBERED: Public affair show exploring the two-year anniversary of the Pandemic.
11:00 - GROWING COMMUNITY CONNECTIONS: SPM produced a podcast for a local non-profit that works for the betterment of children, families, and the community. Reporter Sheila Brummer crafted an audio segment/video that highlights the work of a literacy program at an elementary school in South Sioux City, Nebraska. Program directors showed the video to state education leaders to try and secure additional funding.
11:31 - MIRACLE KIDS: Survivors of a deadly school bus crash in Tanzania more than five years ago have returned to Siouxland.

12:21 - STRONG FOUNDATION: Toolbox program breaks gender barriers. Students of Girls Inc. of Siouxland spent part of their summer learning skilled trades. Web post include a photo slide show of participants.

16:55 - TUNING UP: Students listen, learn, and perform with the Sioux City Symphony Orchestra. Audio transports listeners to the Orpheum Theatre for a youthful concert.
18:38 – CULTURE COUNTS: The Sioux City Community School District is a minority-majority district. Marching band students at North High cultivate cultural awareness and diversity.
19:10 – Newscast featured CULTURAL DAY at Irving Elementary School.
19:55 – WEATHER BOSSES: SPM teamed up with Spalding Park Environmental Sciences Elementary School for 5th graders to provide a weekly forecast for listeners. The segment also appears on the station’s Facebook page.
20:34 - THE LEAD: SPM’s Sheila Brummer recently graduated with a master’s degree in Organizational Leadership. Her final project included a leadership podcast. This segment features her former boss at KCCI-Television, Dave Busiek.

24:30 - ELECTION COVERAGE: 60-minute public affairs show previewing state and local races.
25:20 – LIVE coverage on Election Night.
25:46 – RED WAVE: Live public affairs show the day after Iowa GOP sweep of state and local races.
29:19: SUICIDE PREVENTION: The hosts of the AWE Podcast join Mary Hartnett and Sheila Brummer for live insight on the issue. The SPM-produced AWE Podcast seeks to empower people to become their authentic selves.
33:31 – FIFTY FIRST PAGES: The podcast is a collaboration between SPM and the Sioux City Public Library. Each month, Kelsey Patterson and Jenn Delperdang chat with authors, discuss what they're reading. Here they chat with author Emily St. John Mandel. All podcast segments are produced by Station Manager Mark Munger.

36:00 – CHECK IT OUT: Weekly spotlight on literature with reviews from the Sioux City Public Library. Segment appears on-air and online.
36:14 – SMALL WONDERS: SPM produces historical essays by author and retired professor Jim Schaap. This episode features the all-Black fast-pitch softball team “The Sioux City Ghosts” who traveled expensively from the 1930s to mid-1950s.

39:02 – WELCOME. SIT. STAY – SPM prides itself on partnerships with local non-profits, including Noah’s Hope Animal Rescue. Former Station Manager Gretchen Gondek highlights critters that need new homes. Hear about Salix in this broadcast.