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What is Underwriting?
Effective targeting is the key to any successful advertising or public relations campaign. Public radio listeners are a valuable target market for your business, as research shows the majority are college educated and have higher incomes.

You can reach Siouxland Public Media's well defined, highly desirable audience by investing in program underwriting, giving your business valuable public recognition.

Quality Programming Delivers!

  • 83% of listeners take action in response to something they heard on public radio
  • 87% discuss content they hear with friends, family, and colleagues
  • 86% consider public media “personally important to them”
  • 71% have a more positive opinion about companies that support public media

                  -- 2017 NPR Impact Study; State of Sponsorship Survey

Your underwriting messages on Siouxland Public Media reach an exclusive audience over a large, tri-state area and do so in a unique, dignified manner. Program underwriting associates your business with discriminating taste and quality to people who value these characteristics in their lives and in the products they purchase.

More importantly, public radio listeners have disposable incomes. Studies have shown public radio supporters also invest dollars in their communities and their lifestyles.

Consider a One-Day Sponsorship for a Pledge of $150
Celebrating a birthday, anniversary or other special occasion? Consider a Day Sponsorship on Siouxland Public Media. Simply pick a day (Monday-Friday only) and from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. hear your special message on  FM90.3-KOJI FM90.7 once each hour! Businesses are not eligible. 

For more information on how your business or organization can become a supporter of Siouxland Public Media programming, contact us at 712-274-6457 or via e-mail at cdonovan@kwit.org.

Paid Promotional Announcements
For a pledge of $250, you may donate 20 announcements to the non-profit organization of your choice.  Please contact us for further information.

Underwriting Announcements Specifications
KWIT FM90.3-KOJI FM90.7 is a non-commercial, non-profit public radio station. The current guidelines set by the Federal Communications Commission allows us to air underwriting announcements with the underwriter's name, location information, telephone number and website address. Credit wordings may not contain comparative or qualitative language and cannot contain calls-to-action.

Current Underwriters:
Please show your support to our underwriters for their efforts to fund quality programming on Siouxland Public Media by saying "Thank You" when you enter their place of business.

Albrecht Cycle Shop
Ben Fish Tire
Briar Cliff University
Bruening Eye Specialists
Buy Fresh, Buy Local
Century Business Products
Civil Engineers & Constructors, LLC
Daniels Osborn Law Firm (more information available on Facebook)
Environmental Advisory Board
Goodwill of the Great Plains
Greenberg's Jewelers
Gunderson's Jewelers
Heidman Law Firm
Ho-Chunk, Inc.
Hog Power Energy
Houlihan and Associates
Jackson Recovery Centers
Jewish Federation of Sioux City
Jolly Time Popcorn
Jumpy Monkey Coffee
June E. Nylen Cancer Center
Knoepfler Chevrolet
Legacy Financial, Gregory Giles
Long Lines Wireless
Moore, Heffernan, Moeller, Johnson & Meis
Munger, Reinschmidt & Denne, LLP Attorneys at Law
Palmer Specialty Foods
Parkview Psychological Services
Pecaut & Company
RP Constructors
Unity Point Health St. Luke's
Saturday in the Park
Security National Bank
Sioux City CAN
Sioux City Chamber Music
Sioux City Environmental Advisory Board
Sioux City Symphony
Siouxland Magazine
Siouxland Woman Magazine
Siouxland Real Estate Guide
Al Sturgeon Law Firm
University of Iowa
Wayne State College
The Weekender