President Donald Trump has promised to approve $180 million in aid for damaged Iowa homes and infrastructure and additional funding for farmers who were…
Deparmantiin mana fayyaa Iowa namni 9 dabalataan sababa Covid-19 du’uu gabaasan.websiten cororna virus kan state se’aati 24 keessati namni haarawa qabame…
በአይዋየህዝብጤናመምሪያበ COVID-19 ችግሮችምክንያትበክልሉውስጥዘጠኝተጨማሪሰዎችመሞታቸውንዘግቧል፡፡ የግዛቱኮሮቫቫይረስድርጣቢያበ 24 ሰዓታትውስጥብቻከ 300…
El Departamento de Salud Pública de Iowa informa nueve muertes más en el estado debido a complicaciones de COVID-19. El sitio web estatal del coronavirus…
President Donald Trump will visit Cedar Rapids tomorrow. Trump today has approved Iowa's application for a major federal disaster declaration in the…
News 304081720President Donald Trump will visit Cedar Rapids tomorrow. Trump today approved Iowa's application for a major federal disaster declaration in…