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An Authentic Rock 'n Roll Album that Makes You Sing

The Ruralists

On their first full-length album, The Ruralists have collected a series of 10 songs that capture the physical and 

emotional landscape of a character who lives, loves, struggles, and dreams in a place not unlike Siouxland. It's an album that rewards listening to as an album, but it's also an album of songs that can stand alone. You find yourself going back to certain songs just for the joy of singing along or for rocking out. 

The Ruralists will headline Glow this Friday and will play Pork and Bands at the Back Back on September 29. 

Mark Munger first began listening to public radio as a child in the back of his Mom's VW Vanagon, falling in love with the stories on Morning Edition and Prairie Home Companion and the laughter of Click and Clack on Car Talk. Through KWIT, he was introduced to the great orchestras and jazz artists, the sounds of folk and blues, and the eclectic expressions of humanity. This American Life and Radiolab arrived in his formative college years and made him want nothing more than to be a part of the public radio world.
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