This is Sarah Enright, with the Sioux City Public Library, and you’re listening to Check It Out. Today, I am recommending, This Close to Okay by Leesa…
102219 404Corn growers and ethanol producers are concerned about the Environmental Protection Agency’s proposed fix for ethanol demand. The comment period…
091819 noonThe U.S. Coast Guard and Army Corps of Engineers on Tuesday issued a no-wake advisory for boaters on the Missouri River from mile marker 750…
070319 504Despite earlier predictions of dry weather, rain and hail could threaten Sioux City-area Fourth of July celebrations tomorrow. The National…
070319 432Rain and hail could threaten Sioux City-area Fourth of July celebrations tomorrow, despite earlier predictions of dry weather. A meteorologist…
Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg wants to increase opportunities for national service and build a network of 1 million service members by…
062819 504Flooding along the lower Missouri River could get worse in the next few days because recent rain is contributing to the amount of water being…
062719 432It’s very hot this afternoon in Iowa and forecasters say it’ll get even hotter tomorrow and through the weekend. In Siouxland, we can expect…
062819 404Flooding along the lower Missouri River will likely worsen in the days ahead because the amount of water being released into the river is…