A religious activist accused of burning four LGBTQ children's books that he checked out of the Orange City Public Library has been convicted of criminal…
080619 504A man who burned four children’s books from the Orange City Library last year was found guilty of criminal mischief today Sioux County District…
080619 432A religious activist accused of burning four LGBTQ children's books that he checked out of the Orange City Public Library has been convicted of…
080619 404An Ocheyedan man who burned four L-G-B-T-Q themed children’s library books last year has been ordered to pay a fine for his criminal mischief…
070919 404An Orange City man who posted an online video last year showing himself burning LGBTQ-themed books from the city’s library will not avoid a…
Coming today on The Exchange, last weekend, hundreds of people turned out for Sioux City’s March for Our Lives event downtown. Students got up and spoke…
The Exchange 022818Welcome to The Exchange, on Siouxland Public Media, I’m Mary Hartnett. Today we are on the road at the Town Square Coffeehouse in…