The U.S. government has put to death an Iowa chemistry student-turned-meth kingpin convicted of killing two children and three adults.Dustin Honken, who…
Gov. Kim Reynolds says she will override local school districts and require students to spend at least half of their education time in classrooms. That’s…
UPDATE: The U.S. government has put to death an Iowa chemistry student-turned-meth kingpin convicted of killing two children and three adults. It is the…
A federal judge from Sioux City has denied an Iowa drug kingpin’s requests to delay his execution, which is scheduled for Friday. U.S. District Judge…
News 7.8.20: C-19 Numbers, Honken Execution Update, Wright Wins, Sen. Ernst on Solar Energy and MoreThe state of Iowa reports seven more Iowans have died from COVID-19. There are more than 400 new cases as well, including 9 more in Woodbury County for a…
Two northwest Iowa counties each report two more deaths due to COVID-19 in the past 24 hours. Two older women between the ages of 61 and 80 passed away in…
The U.S. Department of Justice recently announced plans to resume federal executions for the first time in 15 years.Five inmates are scheduled to be put…
072619 432The execution date for a notorious Iowa drug kingpin who killed witnesses and children in 1993 has been scheduled for Jan. 15. Formerly of…