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Iowa Teens Rate High on Texting and Driving


Water levels continue to slowly recede on the Missouri River and Big Sioux River, easing flooding worries in the region. The Union County Emergency Manager said today that agencies are watching levees along rivers. The Associated Press reported five days ago the lower Missouri River was flooding in Nebraska and Iowa, following recent exceptionally heavy rains in Montana, North and South Dakota and Nebraska.

Iowa leads the nation when comes to teens who text and drive. According to the website carinsurance.org, more than 55 percent of teens in Iowa text and drive. Nationwide, 39.2 percent of teens report texting and driving; 

Supporters of legalizing marijuana in South Dakota have been thwarted at nearly every turn, including an effort to become the 48th state to approve industrial hemp. However, backers are gathering signatures for two initiated ballot measures. One asks voters to approve medical marijuana and the other seeking to legalize recreational marijuana. 

A similar effort to get on the 2018 ballot failed to get enough signatures.

Group leader Melissa Mentele says attitudes have changed about benefits for patients and sponsors have more support from national groups. Republican Gov. Kristi Noem says she doesn't take public positions on ballot initiatives but that she supports South Dakota's strict cannabis laws.


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