The ExchangeSPM's Sheila Brummer explores an upcoming Unity in the Community Block Party and shares highlights from Saturday in the Park
A local disability rights organization is looking at taking legal action against Sioux City Community Schools if modifications are not made to the…
July 1st ushered in several new laws for the state of Iowa, including a new permit-less gun law. A permit is no longer needed to carry or buy a…
Iowa’s new permit-less gun law is in effect as of today. Iowans no longer need a permit to carry or purchase a handgun.Sgt. Jeremy McClure is a…
Officials with the Sioux City Police Department say a suspected murder-suicide claimed the lives of a Sioux City couple yesterday.Investigators say…
There’s a new development in Sioux City’s first murder investigation of 2021. Siouxland Public Media’s Sheila Brummer with the latest and more details on…
Iowa wuxuu ku daray 247 kiis oo cusub oo ah cudurka coronavirus ilaa shalay, wuxuu soo sheegey 43,144 xaaladood oo ah coronavirus-ga cusub, iyo 839…
Iowa đã bổ sung thêm 247 trường hợp nhiễm vi khuẩn corona mới từ hôm qua, báo cáo 43,144 trường hợp nhiễm vi khuẩn corona mới và 839 trường hợp tử vong. Ở…
Iowa ha agregado 247 nuevos casos de coronavirus desde ayer, reportó 43,144 casos del nuevo coronavirus y 839 muertes. En el noroeste de Iowa, el condado…