Siouxland Funnyman and Smile Enthusiast, Garie Lewis joins Steve Smith for this week's Cultural Continuum
Comedian, MC, thespian and now, Cultural Continuum Co-host, Garie Lewis (AKA Mud Man) helps out SPM's Steve Smith for a jam-packed edition of Cultural…
Comedy Rocks or..."Rox", coffee is pretty great too plus there are a few art shows to check out and SPM hosts another candidate forum, this time it's for…
If you're hungry, you might try the Art Center, ARTilicious is tonight. Also there are a so many Fall Fest events we could only list a select few, and the…
Check your shoes for splinters, the Orange City Tulip Festival is underway! Don Reese spreads the funny at Vangarde, the Green Thumb Plant Sale is today…
Sioux City Rockestra is back! Also there's theater all over the place, there's Celtic music to celebrate the man that drove the rats out of Ireland, and…
Shelby Pierce joins Steve on this February 1st, Cultural Continuum. Lots of Jazz, a Conservatory recital at Vangarde, the Empty Bowls moves into the Sioux…
The Second City shows the orchestra how to conduct themselves (even though they have a perfectly capable conductor) lots of live theater (including an…