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Boordin deparmanti mana fayyaa Siouxland Woodbury County keessati haguugin fulla godhachuun

Boordin deparmanti mana fayyaa Siouxland Woodbury County keessati haguugin fulla godhachuun barbaachisa akka tae murtesse. Governor Reynolds akka jetteti yoo state emergency jala seene male haguugi fuula namani hunduu godhatan akka murteessu hin dandeene himte.

Magaala Woodbury County keessati mannii fayyaa Siouxland namni haarawa 10 Covid-19 qabamuu himan. deparmantiin mana fayyaa Iowa County keessati waliigalatti namni qabame 3,779 akka ta’e mullisa. Duttimmo namu 52 irraa jira.

Kutaa Iowa keesati namni haarawa seati 24 keesati qabame nama 678 akka ta’e gabaafame, Kanaan waliiti dabalamee waliiglatti namni qabame 50,900 gaheera, namni haarawa du’emoo 10 yoo tau waliigalatti namni du’emmoo 965 gaheera.

South Dakota keessati namni waliigalatti qabame 10,000 yoo tau nama lama haarawa har’a du’e dabalattee namni waliigalatti du’e 150 gaheera.

Nebraska keessati namni waliigalatti qabame 29,600 yoo ta’u waliigalatti kan duemmoo 42 dha, Dakota County keessati waliigalatti namni qabame 1,900 gahu himan.

Akkasumas, qophii hamilee barsiisota fi nageenya mana barumsaatif godhame bor Sioux City qopheesuf karoorfame jiru. Qophiin makiina balaqqessaa Oofuu bor se’atii 10 irratti North High School irraa jalqabu ta’a. makiinaadhanis se’ati 9:30 irraa karaa kan qabatan yoo ta’u osoo Downown hin dhaqiin awwala magaala keessa kan marsan ta’a. gareen kunis gamoo bulchiinsa duraa Sioux City Community School District dhaabachuuf karoorfatanii jiru.


Fatiya has worked for Mary J. Treglia Community House since 2013. She enjoys working at MJTCH because the work she does is life changing. Fatiya has pursued a degree in Early Childhood Education and has recently found a passion for immigration and refugee services. Fatiya has many hats at Mary J. Treglia Community House, and she speaks 4 different languages! Immigrating as a refugee from Ethiopia herself, she knows the struggle that people face when entering a new country.
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