Coming up this week on The Exchange, as local colleges and high schools hold graduation ceremonies and kids head off to summer activities, we take a look at education in Siouxland.
We talk with the president of Western Iowa Tech Community College Dr. Terry Murrell about the year past and plans for the future.

We also talk with the Siouxland Rotary Club Student of the year. East High School's Lidya Tadesse is bound for Harvard this fall.
And we speak with a Yale University professor who teaches a class in how to live a fulfilled life. Ryan McAnnally Linz and his colleagues have also published a book on the topic called Life Worth Living.

We also talk with a retired teacher who at the age of 80 got a publishing deal to create books that help young children deal with their fears. Sharon Leino tells her story and talks about her first book Scaredy.

And Siouxland Public Media's Mark Munger talks with the Ruralists and gets a preview of the band’s new album. It's called Trying.