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Cynthia Donovan

Cynthia Donovan

Underwriting Assistant

Cynthia, aka Blondie, has been an NPR listener since she was in college in Boston, MA. She moved to Sioux City in 2008 and worked for the Sioux City Journal as the Classified and Digital Advertising Director. In 2020 she finally retired and was ready to live the life of leisure, until Mark Munger tempted her to work for Siouxland Public Media in May of 2021. “The station and the people are committed to our community. I am so pleased to be part of this amazing team. It is great to be back in the saddle again.” When not working at the station, Cynthia cooks, rides her bike, and does yoga. But mostly, she loves hanging with her two dogs, Miki and Franc, as well as her husband, John (not necessarily in that order).

Phone: 712.274.6457
Email: cdonovan@kwit.org