The Iowa House has set a time to end debate on a bill that would drastically reduce how public sector employees bargain over working conditions. Republican House Majority Leader Chris Hagenow made a motion this morning to end floor debate at noon, and it was approved by Republicans. After debate that has stretched over three days, the House will vote on the bill Thursday afternoon after some procedural moves. The Senate is working on a similar deadline. Democrats in the House and Senate introduced dozens of amendments in an attempt to delay a vote on the bill, which was made public a little over a week ago.
Independent Northwest Iowa Senator David Johnson had sponsored an amendment that would have called for a study committee on the specific effects of the bill, but it was defeated late this morning. Johnson told the sponsor of the Senate bill Jason Shultze of Crawford county that he hasn’t seen any real data that supports the need for ending collective bargaining in Iowa.
In: “There is nothing . . ..
Out “. . . .millions, where?”
Johnson County Democrat Joe Bolkum told the Senate that the phone system has been bombarded by callers who oppose the collective bargaining bill.
If the bills are approved by the House and Senate, Governor Terry Branstad is expected to sign measure immediately.