Siouxland is reporting lower positivity and hospitalization rates this week due to COVID 19. Yesterday, Siouxland District Health reported the positivity rate is almost 7%, with only three hospitalizations due to COVID only at Sioux City Hospitals.
However, the number of people vaccinated increased by about point-six (.6) percent. South Dakota is again seeing an increase in COVID-19 cases and 43% more hospitalizations. Almost 400 more South Dakotans have tested positive for COVID-19, with one more death recorded.
The state of Nebraska yesterday reported almost 2,700 new virus cases in the past week. The current case numbers are more than ten times higher than what the state reported in late June.
A group representing the majority of Iowa’s 431 nursing homes says it opposes President Joe Biden’s new requirement for staff members to be vaccinated.
Biden announced this week nursing home staff would be required to get the shot for facilities to receive Medicaid and Medicare funding.
Brent Willett is the president of the Iowa Health Care Association. He says he’s concerned the mandate will result in much-needed staff members quitting their positions.
Willett says instead, the focus should be on educating those who are hesitant.
Once we have an opportunity to connect our workforce with their medical professional -- talk through their concerns -- they are much more likely to become comfortable and voluntarily take the vaccine.
Sixty-two percent of full-time staff in Iowa’s nursing homes have been fully vaccinated.