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State Iowa namni sababa Covid-19 guyyaa tokkoti du’an akka baaye taa’e gabaasan himan.

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Oromo News 11/18/2020

State Iowa namni sababa Covid-19 guyyaa tokkoti du’an akka baaye taa’e gabaasan himan.

Deparmantiin mana fayyyaa Iowa akka mullisuuti seati 24 keessati sababa virus kana namni 40 akka due hime.
Qorannoon bultii 14 keessati godhame akka mullisuti Woodbury County keessati parsanti 23.5% akka gahe mullisa. November 1ffaa 18% ture akkasumas jia dura parsantii 15% ture.

Task Force coronavirus kan White House akka jedhetti parsanti 10% namni qabame akka dabale kan mullisuudha.
CDC’s gabaasni gutuun kan torbaani akka mullisutti Iowa sadarka tokkofaara biyya keessa akka jirtu himte.

Nebraska fi South Dakota keessati namni Influenza qabame jiddu kaleessa akka tae himan. Iowa immoo parsantii guddaa irra jirti.

Doctoroni Iowa muraasni akka jedhenatti qufaan state keessati wallaalchisa ta’eera.
Des Moines tv station akka gabaaseti University Iowa Dr. Brandley Ford akka jedhetti baayinnan kan qabaman Covid-19 dha.

Akka jedhetti namni yeroo amma vigilant flue irraa uf eegu akka qaban himan fi dhukkuba irraa uf eegano akka godhuu qabanis himame.

Ammas akka jedhetti haguugi fuula godhatamu qaba fi addaan fageenya eegachuunis flu dhaafi Covid-19 ufirraa eeguf kan nuqarqaaru ta’a.


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Fatiya has worked for Mary J. Treglia Community House since 2013. She enjoys working at MJTCH because the work she does is life changing. Fatiya has pursued a degree in Early Childhood Education and has recently found a passion for immigration and refugee services. Fatiya has many hats at Mary J. Treglia Community House, and she speaks 4 different languages! Immigrating as a refugee from Ethiopia herself, she knows the struggle that people face when entering a new country.