Did you know thanks to the local food movement, a whole new generation has taken an interest in canning and food preservation. What’s old is new again, but are the old recipes and methods safe? On this episode of Did You Know we visit with Renee Sweers, ISU Extension and Outreach Nutrition and Wellness Specialist. Renee discusses the latest science, research and methods for safe food preservation. Online food preservation resources and local class registration are available at https://www.extension.iastate.edu/humansciences/preserve-taste-summer. Want to learn more? Visit https://www.extension.iastate.edu/foodsafety/food-preservation or contact your local Iowa State University Extension and Outreach office.
ISU Extension and Outreach Nutrition and Wellness Specialist Renee Sweers can be reached by calling 712-276-2157 or email her with questions at rsweers@iastate.edu.