The Awful Purdies, a quintet of multi-instrumentalists based in Iowa City, will perform in Orange City this Wednesday. Their most recent work, All Recipes are Home, included music and theater. The inspiration for the project came from conversations, in person and in writing, the band members had with Iowans who work the land. In music, these conversations turn to characters as richly developed and as complex as the soil. We find a farmer worn down by the endless work in "Rest These Bones," and another who leaves everything behind for a wish for freedom in "Snowbird." "Kill Floor" uses traditional work song rhythms and language to bring the listener into a modern meat packing plant, where the workers face the lines in order to send money to their families who live in other countries. It's an album that unflinchingly takes on our past and our present in order to make our future more open and livable. The show begins at 7:00 in Windmill Park.